How to End Racism

Описание к видео How to End Racism

How do we end racism? I think I have a solution, and it first begins with knowing what the actual definitions of "racism" and "race" are. Music by Electric Needle Room
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1) Acknowledge race has no genetic basis, and was a term invented by one group people to justify that it was superior to another group of people.

Absolutely everyone needs to know this, and it should be taught at a very young age.

2) Acknowledge that you did not choose your physical characteristics, and you shouldn't have too much pride in your physical characteristics.

Sure, you can tan, you can dye your hair a different color, you can have plastic surgery, or you can change your diet or exercising habits. The bottom line is, you did not choose the physical characteristics you were born with. Isn't it silly to be extremely proud of physical characteristics you were born with? On the flip side, why on earth would you think negatively about the physical characteristics of someone else when they were also born with such characteristics?

3) Stop using the term "race" to describe a person.

I do not define myself by "race." Not only do I feel it is an outdated term, but why should I limit how I define myself to simply the physical characteristics that I have? Isn't that a bit, superficial? We are all multifaceted, complex, unique individuals, with many different characteristics. Why should I limit to describe myself by saying I'm a white guy? Or, kind of peach guy? Or a blue guy? Or a green guy? It's ludicrous. Labels are dangerous, anyway. Sure, they come in handy, and there is definitely a time and place to use labels, but they should never define anyone.

In conclusion, I want to share a new definition of "racism" that I came across, from The American Journal of Color Arousal, that they came up in reaction to the Human Genome Project findings:

"A "racist" is "a person, organization or institution continuing to believe in, advocate, perpetuate or passively accept the proposition that there are separate 'races' among the human species, in spite of all of the well-known Human Genome Project evidence that separate human "races" do not exist."

So there you have it. The first thing we need to do is educate people that there is only one race- the human race.

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