Module 1 : Tritaal Hasta Padhant Tatkar

Описание к видео Module 1 : Tritaal Hasta Padhant Tatkar

This is the introductory lesson in the BPA Second Year Course in Kathak and focuses on the basics of Nritta.

Taala, Laya and Layakari are defined and discussed.

Padhant, or recitation of Tritaal with beats and claps, is done in three different tempos: Thaa, Dugun and Chaugun Laya. Transcription of Tritaal in these tempos is also taught.

Tatkar or footwork in Tritaal is executed in these three specific tempos, paying attention to details of the varying use of the feet, eyes and hands while doing Tatkar in distinctive tempos.

A complete revision of all the basic stances and Hasta Sanchalan – Chakras, Kon Suchitas and Pushpak - learnt in the Foundation Course is presented. Combination movements employing new, complex and ornamental Hasta Sanchalan are taught in separate tempos and rhythmic constructions.

Instruction regarding how to perform Pheris (Chakkars) of diverse styles is also given.


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