Tasmanian Pattern Axe vs Yankee Pattern Axe, Chopping and Discussion

Описание к видео Tasmanian Pattern Axe vs Yankee Pattern Axe, Chopping and Discussion

I have been curious about the Tasmanian pattern axe for a long time, they seem to have a big following by collectors, and have often seen them touted as the best axe design in the world. Having finally gotten hold of one I was excited to test it out. Overall impression is the design is more robust than most axes, however performance is reduced as a result. If you have very nasty wood this design is great, but if you don't it is entirely unnecessary and reduces performance. Using a Tasmanian in most woods is kind of like driving a off road vehicle on an F1 racetrack. I would stick to a thinner yankee pattern, cheaper and more available to!


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