法棍 Baguette

Описание к видео 法棍 Baguette

法棍 Baguette 是非常传统的面包。传统的面包都有一个特点,就是所用的材料非常简单:面粉,盐,酵母和水。材料的简单,使得制作工艺更加精益求精。每一个操作步骤都发挥到极限,从各个方面提升法棍的口味。例如:相对高的含水量使法棍内部组织柔软,结构透明。拉伸折叠的操作,减少揉面过程中的面团氧化,最大限度保留小麦本身的香味。隔夜低温发酵,淀粉酶分解淀粉产生足够多的糖来提升法棍的味道。高温蒸汽烘焙,使得法棍外皮变得焦酥无比。每一个细节的精雕细琢,每一个操作步骤的千锤百炼,最终使法棍成为传世的经典!

室温水:340克, 1+1/3 杯 + 2 小勺
酵母:1/2 小勺
中筋面粉或高筋面粉:450克, 3杯
盐:8克,1 小勺

6,预热烤箱 550华氏度,或者285摄氏度。
7, 割包。

Baguette ingredient:
to make 4 baguettes
Room temperature water: 340 g, 1+1/3 cups + 2 teaspoons
Yeast: 1/2 teaspoon
All purpose flour or bread flour: 450 g, 3 cups
Salt: 8 g, 1 teaspoon

1. Dissolve yeast in the water, and then mix in flour and salt.
2. Ferment at room temperature for 1 hour. Stretch and fold the dough at 30 and 60 minutes respectively.
3. Cover it, then put it into fridge over night.
4. The next day. Divide into 4, round it and rest it for 40 minutes.
5. Shape to baguette. Final proof for 40 minutes. It your room is warmer than 21C , shorten the proofing time.
6. Preheat the oven 30 minutes ahead. 550F or 285 C.
7. Score the bread
8. Bake for 10-12 minutes with steam.
背景音乐:Friday Morning by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-...
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
法棍, 法棍面包, baguette, baguette recipe, easy baguette recipe


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