Elite Dangerous - Adder Interiors Boxed Edition

Описание к видео Elite Dangerous - Adder Interiors Boxed Edition

Using my imagination and a set of standardized rules and assumptions to visualize possible interior layout for the Adder.

When placing and sizing the modules I used the following rules:
- There are 5 different module size categories:
- hardpoints
- O optional
- S core small (life support, power distributor, sensors, optional restricted)
- L core large (power plant, thrusters, FSD)
- H hatches (bays)
- For thrusters it looks like FDEV takes 2 one-size-smaller thrusters together to make one larger thruster module
- Optional modules need to have 100% of their volume unobstructed by other modules or structure, because they house universal components.
- Core modules do not need to have 100% of their volume unobstructed because they usually don't occupy all the available space and their mounting can be 'tailor made' to fit.
But whenever possible I try to go for highest available volume.
- Fuel tanks need to be able to contain liquid hydrogen at 70.8kg/cubic meter. This allows to calculate fuel tank volume based on specified capacity.
- Optional components need to have direct access to the cargo bay, so that cargo and SRVs can be transferred in and out of the ship.
- Whenever possible I try to take into account external hull design - doors, hatches, vents, windows, etc.
- Once all the modules are in place - the remaining space is allocated for thermal core, crew compartments and ship's structural frame.

Here is a link to my module size spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...
This is my internal document, I didn't intend to make it public, so I provide it 'as is'.



Информация по комментариям в разработке