🇺🇸 Utz Mike’s Hot Honey Potato Chips on In The Chips with Barry

Описание к видео 🇺🇸 Utz Mike’s Hot Honey Potato Chips on In The Chips with Barry

Mike’s Hot Honey is probably the only hot honey brand I could name. Not that there aren’t more out there, just that they’ve done such an amazing job dominating the category. Which means it makes sense that Utz would partner with them to make Mike’s Hot Honey potato chips. These would be five stars in my opinion if the chips were thicker and if Ute would swear off using artificial ingredients. But that’s just a persona preference. The flavor here is spot on.

#complexflavor #papatasfritas #土豆片 #chipster #interestingchips  #chips #inthechips #inthechipswithbarry #CornSnacks #crisps #ポテトチップス #eatingchips #Kartoffelchips #감자칩  #AmericanPotatoChips #HotHoney #Utz #MikesHotHoney


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