Explosive Double Kettlebell Complex Workout in 20 Minutes

Описание к видео Explosive Double Kettlebell Complex Workout in 20 Minutes


To this day one of the methods I love/hate the most and is great getting a lot of work done in a short amount of time - complexes.
Whether it's bodyweight, barbell, kettlebell, sandbag, etc. doesn't really matter as you can adjust based on time, space available and tools - it's going to make you WORK!

Got only 20 minutes or so? No problem....

Here's my double KB complex that will put you to work:

1️⃣ Double KB Snatch x 8
2️⃣ Double KB Push Press x 8
3️⃣ Double KB Squat x 8
4️⃣ Double KB Clean x 8
5️⃣ Double KB Swing x 8
6️⃣Double KB Bent Row x 12

⏱ Rest 60-90 seconds (or as long as it takes to feel like there is oxygen in the room), and repeat for 4-5 rounds.

As with anything, have a structure progression over the course of weeks. I did this with 2 x 52 lbs and you can see how much volume that ends up being after 4 - 5 rounds (use exercises you are competent with if you dont know how to use some in the video).

Just remember that even with 10-20 minutes you can do something that benefits you, whether mobility to move better or a quick conditioning session.

Just 3-4 training sessions that last even just 30 mins can make a huge difference. Give this a go and let me know how you do 🙂


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