Scaling Up Financing for Cycling and Walking - English

Описание к видео Scaling Up Financing for Cycling and Walking - English

Cycle lane networks are quick to build compared to other transport infrastructure, generating climate, health, and economic benefits in the near term, and often paying for themselves in just a few years. Cycle infrastructure networks are one of the most cost-effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the urban passenger transport sector, however they have been under-invested in and overlooked in favor of larger, more expensive transport projects.

A new report co-authored by ITDP and the World Bank makes the case for scaling up financing for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Case studies show that the return on investment for cycle lane networks is high—both in terms of the network effects from supporting other transport investments like metro or bus rapid transit (BRT) and the resulting climate, health, and economic benefits. In this webinar, panelists discussed how governments, financial institutions, and philanthropic and civil society organizations can increase investment in active mobility projects as a means to achieve broader transport, climate, and economic goals.

Moderator: Dana Yanocha, Senior Research Manager, ITDP Global
Elvira Clara Moscoso Cabrera, Urban Mobility Manager, Municipality of Lima
Winnie Wang, Senior Transport Specialist with the World Bank Group


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