What Is Agniveer Scheme, Why It Became A Controversy & Will Reservation Help? On Target | GD Bakshi

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What Is Agniveer Scheme, Why It Became A Controversy & Will Reservation Help? On Target | GD Bakshi

Is the Agniveer scheme really a matter of worry? Should the government scrap it and is there any solution? In Episode 3 of On Target, Major General G.D. Bakshi (Retd.) discusses the shortcomings of the Agniveer Scheme, which has become a controversy since it was announced. GD Bakshi also highlights the possible solutions that can end the Agniveer debate. Find out everything in the full video.

Gd Bakshi On Agniveer Scheme, Gd Bakshi On Unemployment, Pm Modi, Public Meter, Gd Bakshi On Agniveer Scheme, Agniveer, Agniveer Controversy, Agniveer Debate, Gd Bakshi, On Target, Rahul Gandhi, Indian Army, Agniveer Scheme, Jawaharlal Nehru, Armed Forces, Indian Government, on Target with Gd Bakshi, Pm Modi, the Chanakya Dialogues, The Chanakya Dialogues English

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