港式羅宋湯 Hong Kong Style Borscht **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

Описание к видео 港式羅宋湯 Hong Kong Style Borscht **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

帶筋牛肉 1公斤 (也可用牛肋條或牛腱)
洋蔥 400克
紅蘿蔔 400克
薯仔(土豆) 400克
西芹 400克
蕃茄 600克
椰菜 400克
蒜頭 1整個
茄膏 3湯匙
月桂葉 2片
迷迭香 適量
雞湯粒、黑胡椒、鹽、糖、熱水 適量

1️⃣ 將西芹老的纖維撕走,洗淨切丁,其他蔬菜也洗淨切丁備用。
2️⃣ 將牛肉汆水,放些蔥和薑,水滾後汆水3分鐘後取出,切塊備用。
3️⃣ 熱鍋下油,爆香蒜頭和牛肉,盛出備用。
4️⃣ 不需要洗鍋,再爆香洋蔥丁,加入3湯匙茄膏炒香。
5️⃣ 加入蕃茄丁繼續翻炒,然後加入紅蘿蔔、薯仔、西芹丁和牛肉,繼續翻炒。
6️⃣ 加入椰菜、月桂葉和迷迭香、雞湯粒和熱水浸過食材1至2吋。
7️⃣ 加些黑胡椒調味,滾後轉小火煮90分鐘。
8️⃣ 最後加少許糖和適量鹽調味,再加一點黑胡椒即可。

🟢Ingredients: (6 servings)
Beef with tendon - 1 kg (can also use beef ribs or beef shank)
Onion - 400g
Carrot - 400g
Potato - 400g
Celery - 400g
Tomato - 600g
Cabbage - 400g
Whole garlic - 1
Ginger, spring onion - as needed
Tomato puree - 3 tbsp
Bay leaves - 2 leaves
Rosemary - as needed
Chicken stocks, black pepper, salt, sugar, hot water - as needed

🟢Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ Remove the tough fibers from the celery, wash and dice all vegetables, and set aside.
2️⃣ Blanch the beef in boiling water with ginger and spring onions for 3 minutes, then remove and cut into chunks.
3️⃣ Heat oil in the pot, sauté garlic and beef until fragrant, then set aside.
4️⃣ Without washing the pot, sauté onion until fragrant, then add 3 tbsp of tomato puree and stir-fry until fragrant.
5️⃣ Add tomato dices and continue to stir-fry, then add carrot, potato, celery dices, and beef chunks, and continue to stir-fry.
6️⃣ Add cabbage, bay leaves, rosemary, chicken stocks, and enough hot water to submerge the ingredients by 1-2 inches.
7️⃣ Season with black pepper and bring to a boil, then simmer on low heat for 90 minutes.
8️⃣ Finally, adjust the seasoning with a little sugar, salt, and black pepper, and serve.

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