How to Jibe / Gybe on a wingfoil! Tips and tricks to learn your turn easier and faster.

Описание к видео How to Jibe / Gybe on a wingfoil! Tips and tricks to learn your turn easier and faster.

What is up guys and girls! I hope you are all having fun and getting out on the water as much as possible.

In todays video we will be looking at one of the most important and usually first turns you will be learning during your wingfoil career. The jibe (or gybe as many write it)! Although it is one of the basic turns it still poses quite a challenge for most but with the little tips and tricks I will mention in this video I hope it will make your learning process faster and smoother.

Some of the top tips:

1. Go fast!
2. Neutralize the wing and focus on the carve
3. Catch the wing in front of you

I hope you find everything you need in this video and if you have any questions please let me know in the comments. I also always like to take suggestions for future videos!
If you enjoy the video please like and share with your wingfoil community and of course, if you are not already subscribed to the channel, then... what are you waiting for!?

Have fun and see you on the water!


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