Aging with Spinal Cord Injury: Mental Health

Описание к видео Aging with Spinal Cord Injury: Mental Health

In this Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury session, Dr. Katherine Fretz, Ph.D. shares a presentation on mental health and aging with an spinal cord injury.

Dr. Katherine Fretz, Ph.D. works with Vancouver Costal Health at GF Strong Rehabilitation Center.

Section Links:
0:00 -Intro
0:03 - Duncan Campbell starts meeting and introduces Dr. Katherine Fretz
0:52 - Start of Dr. Katherine Fretz's presentation
23:56 -Discussion and questions.


Spinal Cord Injury BC (SCI BC) is a non-profit organization that works to help people with spinal cord injuries and their families adjust, adapt, and thrive after life-changing injury or disease, through peer support and information resources. We operate in British Columbia, Canada. This session is part of our online peer support program which features social, fitness, educational, and entertaining sessions provided for people with SCI and similar disabilities. For more information, contact [email protected] or 1-800-689-2477 and check out our events calendar to get involved!:


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