Two of Pentacles: Description in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Two of Pentacles: Description in 3 Minutes

Two of Pentacles Upright: The Juggler! Pentacles (coins) represent earthly things, i.e. stuff and how you get your stuff! Car, house, clothes, food, money, and also work and family. There is the infinity symbol wrapping around those lovely coins. As a human, the infinite, ongoing juggle we encounter on earth is part of the path of the physical being.
From Merriam-Webster: Full Definition of infinity (edited)
1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity
2. An indefinitely great number or amount
In a nutshell: This juggle of earthly stuff is endless, so get used to the dance.
After getting all fancy-schmancy, let’s dig into practicalities. Today I’m to keep my eye on the ball, as I’ll be going back and forth between a lot of different things. With all those crazy waves in the background, you just might have to navigate a turbulent emotion or two but just ride the waves. Lots of movement.
Two of Pentacles Best Course of Action: Keep your eye on all your projects! Make sure you balance work with play. Go with the flow and trust that you have the ability to keep all your balls in the air and your ships upright and sailing, even though turbulent waters. Goofy side to this card. You can’t do all you need to do and be elegant.
Two of Pentacles Reversed: Dropping a ball, making a mistake, becoming overwhelmed by the to-do list. Too much work or play. The fear that you won’t be able to keep up. Pretending you have everything handled when you totally don’t.
Two of Pentacles Reveresed Best Course: Sometimes it is ok to drop a ball! If you drop one pentacle, you end up at the Ace of Pentacles, safely in your garden. Perhaps you should let others take over a project. Delegate. At this time, pick one thing to do, either work or play, or just focus on one practical thing you can accomplish.


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