Five of Pentacles in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Five of Pentacles in 3 Minutes

Five of Pentacles Upright: Money worries. Anxiety. Struggling along, hurt and bloody but still fighting. Caring for another, especially someone injured, weakened or dependent on you. Being dependent on another, especially financially or physically. An ongoing challenge which feels endless. Lack or perception of lack even though help is available if you look up. A sense of despair. Complaining, especially an unconscious habit. Feeling out in the cold, excluded.
Five of Pentacles Best Course of Action: Worry about money. Sometimes just getting by is all you have at your disposal. Hang in there. Struggle through. Gut it out. You may feel alone but you’re not. Keep slugging. Accept offered support. Lean on someone. Faith may help you through a difficult time.
Five of Pentacles Reversed: A long standing worry being released. An easing of anxiety or tension OR being so used to struggling NOT seeing that an end or solution is in sight. Collapsing under the demands on you or troubles improving. Beginning to heal.
Five of Pentacles Reversed Best Course: Release a long standing habit of fretting about money, health or your position in the world. Ask for help. Change a bad habit. Consider that lack might be more your perception that reality. Look at what you DO have. You may have to walk away from a situation which continues to offer rewards “if you do____” as promised rewards will never materialize. Choose to stop complaining and begin actively changing. Choose to come in from the cold


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