淨身業真言 (梵音) Mantra for Purifying Body Karma | 432Hz 療癒頻率 | 1小時253遍 | 淨化業障・身心療癒・能量平衡

Описание к видео 淨身業真言 (梵音) Mantra for Purifying Body Karma | 432Hz 療癒頻率 | 1小時253遍 | 淨化業障・身心療癒・能量平衡

✨ 關於淨身業真言:


「業」 在佛教中指的是行為的結果或因果法則,而持誦 淨身業真言 可以幫助修行者從過去的行為中解脫,達到身心清淨與精神昇華的狀態。

🎶 淨身業真言經文:
oṃ sutari sutari sumari sumari svaha

唵 修哆唎 修哆唎 修摩唎 修摩唎 梭哈

✨ 聆聽這段音頻的好處:
清淨身心業障: 消除過去與累世的業力束縛,恢復內在純淨與平衡。
消災解厄、療癒身心: 幫助釋放負能量,促進情緒平穩與身體健康。
能量淨化與平衡: 搭配 432Hz 頻率 調和心靈與能量場,帶來平靜與穩定。
提升智慧與覺悟: 啟發心靈智慧,引導內在覺醒與自我認識。
祈福護佑與安定: 為生活帶來正向能量與保護,遠離災難與障礙。
冥想專注與靜心修持: 適合靜坐、深層冥想與修行,強化正念與意識覺醒。
🙏 修持建議:
保持虔誠與正念: 在安靜的環境中播放音頻,專注於真言的音律與振動。
觀想光明淨化: 想像身體被清淨的光芒包圍,業障與負能量逐漸消散。
每日修持: 可於早晨或睡前聆聽,透過 253遍 循環播放,穩定內心與修持力量。
💠 感謝您的支持!
如果這段音頻為您帶來療癒與啟發,請訂閱頻道並與親朋好友分享 🙏

🌟 Welcome to this Sacred Healing Audio! 🌟
This is a Mantra for Purifying Body Karma (Shuddha Karma Mantra), chanted 253 times over 1 hour, tuned to the 432Hz healing frequency. It is ideal for meditation, energy cleansing, and spiritual healing practices.

✨ About the Purifying Body Karma Mantra:
The Mantra for Purifying Body Karma is a powerful sacred chant from Buddhist Vajrayana practices, designed to cleanse physical and mental impurities, karmic debts, and negative energies.

In Buddhism, karma refers to the actions and their resulting effects. This mantra is believed to purify past karma, releasing the practitioner from energetic and emotional blockages, and restoring balance and clarity.

Through its sacred vibrations, this mantra helps promote inner peace, emotional stability, and spiritual growth, making it an essential tool for self-healing and enlightenment.

🎶 Mantra for Purifying Body Karma (Lyrics & Pronunciation):
Sanskrit Text:
oṃ sutari sutari sumari sumari svaha

Romanized Pronunciation:
Om Sutari Sutari Sumari Sumari Svaha

✨ Benefits of Listening to This Audio:
Purifies Karma and Negative Energy: Clears karmic blockages and restores inner balance.
Releases Emotional and Mental Tension: Promotes emotional stability, stress relief, and mental clarity.
Healing and Energy Balancing: The 432Hz frequency harmonizes body and mind, fostering relaxation and rejuvenation.
Awakens Wisdom and Awareness: Enhances spiritual insight and personal growth.
Protects and Shields Energy: Offers energetic protection and removes obstacles.
Enhances Focus and Meditation Practice: Ideal for deep meditation, spiritual rituals, and calming the mind.
Promotes Emotional and Physical Detox: Cleanses impurities for a refreshed and renewed state of being.
🙏 Practice Tips:
Set Your Intention: Focus on what you want to purify—negative thoughts, emotional burdens, or karmic patterns.
Visualize Light Cleansing: Imagine divine light radiating through your body, clearing all blockages and negativity.
Daily Practice: Play this track daily or during meditation sessions for 253 repetitions to deepen your healing and spiritual connection.
💠 Thank You for Your Support!
If this audio brings you peace and healing, please subscribe to the channel and share it with your loved ones 🙏

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