白衣觀音大士靈感神咒 The White Robed Guanyin Bodhisattva Mantra|432Hz | 1小時連續播放 | 20遍誦念 | 淨化磁場・消災解難・心靈療癒

Описание к видео 白衣觀音大士靈感神咒 The White Robed Guanyin Bodhisattva Mantra|432Hz | 1小時連續播放 | 20遍誦念 | 淨化磁場・消災解難・心靈療癒

✨ 歡迎來到這裡!
這裡是您尋找內心平靜與靈性療癒的空間。我們誠心為您呈現 白衣觀音大士靈感神咒 的誦念音頻,共20遍循環播放,搭配 432Hz 療癒頻率,總長 1小時。這段音頻專為淨化磁場、消災解厄、心靈療癒與祈福安康而設計。無論您是用於靜修冥想、祈禱還是放鬆入睡,都能感受到白衣觀音菩薩的慈悲加持與保護。

🌿 關於白衣觀世音菩薩:

🌸 經文全文:
ná mó dà cí dà bēi jiù kǔ jiù nàn guǎng dà líng gǎn guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà

南無佛 南無法 南無僧
nā mó fó nā mó fǎ nā mó sēng

nā mó jiù kǔ jiù nàn guān shì yīn pú sà

怛垤哆 唵
dá zhí duō ōng

伽啰伐哆 伽啰伐哆
qié là fá duō qié là fá duō

伽诃伐哆 啰伽伐哆
qié hē fá duō là qié fá duō

啰伽伐哆 娑婆诃
là qié fá duō suō pó hē

天羅神 地羅神
tiān luó shén dì luó shén

人離難 難離身
rén lí nàn nàn lí shēn

yí qiè zāi yāng huà wéi chén

nā mó mó hē bō rě bō luó mì
🌸 聆聽好處:

🌸 推薦用法:
✔️ 睡前播放,幫助安神入睡。
✔️ 冥想時作為背景音樂,提升靈性專注力。
✔️ 療癒儀式或祈禱時使用,加強祈福效果。

🎧 歡迎訂閱與分享:
🙏 喜歡這段音頻的朋友,請記得按下 訂閱 並開啟 小鈴鐺,隨時獲取更多心靈音樂與祈禱音頻。願您在這裡找到內心的寧靜與力量!

✨ Welcome!
Welcome to this sacred space of tranquility and spiritual healing. We are delighted to share this White-robed Avalokitesvara Mantra audio recording with you. This version includes 20 repetitions of the mantra, played in a 432Hz healing frequency over 1 hour. It is designed to purify your energy, dispel negativity, promote emotional balance, and attract blessings and protection. Perfect for meditation, prayer, and deep relaxation, this mantra helps open your heart and mind to divine wisdom and peace.

🌿 About White-robed Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin):
White-robed Avalokitesvara, also known as Guan Yin, represents boundless compassion and mercy. She is revered as a protector who rescues beings from suffering and guides them to safety and peace. Chanting this mantra invokes her blessings for purification, protection, and the removal of obstacles, helping you cultivate inner wisdom and serenity.

🌸 Full Mantra Text:
ná mó dà cí dà bēi jiù kǔ jiù nàn guǎng dà líng gǎn guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà

南無佛 南無法 南無僧
nā mó fó nā mó fǎ nā mó sēng

nā mó jiù kǔ jiù nàn guān shì yīn pú sà

怛垤哆 唵
dá zhí duō ōng

伽啰伐哆 伽啰伐哆
qié là fá duō qié là fá duō

伽诃伐哆 啰伽伐哆
qié hē fá duō là qié fá duō

啰伽伐哆 娑婆诃
là qié fá duō suō pó hē

天羅神 地羅神
tiān luó shén dì luó shén

人離難 難離身
rén lí nàn nàn lí shēn

yí qiè zāi yāng huà wéi chén

nā mó mó hē bō rě bō luó mì

🌸 Benefits of Listening:

Purifies the body, mind, and spirit, raising vibrational energy.
Dispels obstacles, negative energy, and karmic debts.
Reduces anxiety, stress, and emotional imbalances.
Enhances compassion, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
Perfect for meditation, prayer, and rituals.
Improves sleep quality and promotes deep relaxation.
Restores inner peace and confidence.
Strengthens spiritual protection and shields against negativity.
Amplifies intentions and speeds up manifestation of desires.
Balances emotions and attracts blessings and abundance.
🌸 Suggested Uses:
✔️ Play before sleep for calmness and better rest.
✔️ Use during meditation to deepen focus and spiritual alignment.
✔️ Incorporate into rituals or prayers to strengthen blessings and intentions.

🎧 Subscribe & Share:
🙏 If you find peace and blessings through this audio, please subscribe and turn on notifications to receive more spiritual and meditation content. May this mantra bring you harmony, wisdom, and divine blessings!

#432hz #buddha #meditationmusic #innerpeace #佛教音乐 #冥想 #觀世音菩薩 #祈福 #靜心


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