Stradella Bass Accordion:

Описание к видео Stradella Bass Accordion:

In this video, I show how to play chords using ONLY the BASS and COUNTER-BASS rows. I didn’t include this topic in previous videos because it takes too long to demonstrate the method clearly.

At 3:25, I SHOULD have said “C” diminished button, NOT “G” diminished button.
At 3:38, I SHOULD have said C “MAJOR” seventh, NOT C “minor” seventh.
At 12:52, I SHOULD have said A “SHARP,” NOT A “flat.”
At 21:22, I SHOULD have said A “MINOR,” NOT A “flat.”

C AUGMENTED (C+) chord: There are two fairly easy ways to play a C+ chord using only the Bass & Counter-bass rows/ranks:
(1) C bass (pinkie) + E bass (index) + G# counter-bass (pointer).
(2) Ab bass (pinkie) + C bass (index) + E counter-bass (pointer).

BLANKET APOLOGY—that is, for this and all previous videos:
I sincerely apologize for the multitude of “spoken” and “performance” errors. I am an excellent writer, but I simply can’t, for the life of me, speak well. When I was in grade school, I had serious comprehension problems and could not speak coherently. I don’t see how on God's earth I even made it through high school. Maybe my parents paid off the principal. Who knows?


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