Healthy Retina: Fundoscopy

Описание к видео Healthy Retina: Fundoscopy

Normal Healthy Retina

00:00 Introduction

00:21 Optic Disc
The optic disc is usually pale, orange to pink in color, is round with sharp margins, and has a cup-to-disc ratio of less than 0.5. In this case, there is a small degree of non-pathological pigmentation at the periphery of the disc.

00:43 Retinal Vessels
The central retinal artery and vein diverge from the optic disc in four branches (superotemporal, inferotemporal, superonasal, and inferonasal). The arterioles are lighter colored and more narrow than the venules. Vessel indentation is not normally present where arterioles and venioles cross. 

01:07 Macula
The macula is located temporal to the disk. The fovea is a small area located in the centre of the macula, which is void of visible vessels.

01:18 Background
Finally regard the reddish background of the fundus. There aren’t any exudates, hemorrhages, lesions, scars, or other signs of pathology.

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