Chicken, Pizza, and Tacos, Oh My! | Matt McDole, Yum! Brands

Описание к видео Chicken, Pizza, and Tacos, Oh My! | Matt McDole, Yum! Brands

Yum! Brands is building a next generation eCommerce Platform to power its brands: KFC, Taco Bell, Habit Burger and Pizza Hut. Processing millions of orders robustly can be a complex problem. Like, really complex. Traditional eCommerce order services often utilize state machines, databases and distributed sagas to keep track of all the various steps that an order must go through in its lifetime. Then, what about the inevitable failures? The database could become unavailable, the POS device in the store could go offline, the payment processor could have a brief outage and dozens of other scenarios. All of these could lead to a bad real-life experience for a customer waiting for their meal. In this talk, I will step through the "before and after" transition of the Yum Platform's ordering engine and highlight some of key benefits we got out of building on top of Temporal.

Presented at Replay 2022

0:00 Introduction to Matthew McDole, Senior Director, Yum! Brands
1:00 Matthew introduces topic
2:00 What is Yum! Brands and the YUM Commerce Platform?
3:52 How Yum! Brands uses Temporal in its Order domain
4:09 Life of a Food Order at Yum! Brands
7:15 Building the Order Service without Temporal
9:19 Examining alternatives
10:51 Doing a Proof of Concept with Temporal
12:32 Lessons learned from the Temporal POC
15:50 Bringing on Temporal for Real
22:17 What is next? Moving forward using Temporal at Yum! Brands
24:28 In summary
24:53 Q & A



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