Frank Zappa - "Zoot Allures" (guitar cover + slide solo)

Описание к видео Frank Zappa - "Zoot Allures" (guitar cover + slide solo)

Zoot Allures, from Zappa's album "Zoot Allures", 1976.

I tried to play the guitar as similar as possible to the original recording, but I had to add some fills to compensate the lack of feedback present in the recording.

At the end I improvise a little solo with a slide. The drums on that part are taken from MrMaxiAcDance's backing track:    • Frank Zappa, Zoot Allures, rhythm sec...  

Guitar: Gibson SG Special Worn Brown 2011
Amp: Roland Cube 40GX
DAW: Ardour 5
Plugins: Fabfilter Pro-R and Valhalla UberMod


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