Complexity Leadership Model: How to Solve Your Organization’s Most Intractable Challenges

Описание к видео Complexity Leadership Model: How to Solve Your Organization’s Most Intractable Challenges

►►► Leading Through Complexity: Learn How to Achieve Faster, Resistance-Free, Sustainable Change with Your Transformation Efforts →

The leading organizational change methods in use today like ADKAR, Kotter 8-Steps, and the Lewin Change Model were developed 20, 25, and 70 years ago respectively. While such methods might have worked well in a world of stability, pliant competition, and moderate growth, today such methods represent a liability. Such methods were not developed to handle the volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous conditions that we operate in today. Hence, to be successful in solving your organization’s most intractable challenges a new change method is needed; a method that is attuned to the times in which we live; a method that leverages complexity and embraces ambiguity; a method that was designed to solve the complex adaptive challenges of today. Let’s discuss.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
 What is the Complexity Leadership (Theory of Change) Model
 Why a new change model is needed address VUCA-like conditions
 How we define complex adaptive challenges and why they matter
 The (3) key frameworks that define the Complexity Leadership Model
 How to shift from an OD/Change Leader to a Complexity Leader

0:00 – Introduction
2:11 – What is the Complexity Leadership ToC Model
4:25 – Why a new complexity-informed change method is needed
8:30 – OD/Change methodological shifts are occurring
9:13 – The focus of the Complexity Leadership Model
11:00 – Examples of complex adaptive challenges in organizations
12:25 – The key frameworks that define the Complexity Leadership Model
17:28 – Introducing the Complexity Leader role (3 key capabilities)
18:54 – Final thoughts on the next decade of disruption (2024-2034)

Hope you enjoy!
-Randall Scott

#DialogicOD #HenosisPartners #OrganizationDevelopment #ComplexityLeadershipModel #ChangeManagement #OrganizationalChange #ComplexityLeadershipTheory #LeadingThroughComplexity


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