Vietnamese Pickled Jalapenos- Ot Ngam Giam Recipe

Описание к видео Vietnamese Pickled Jalapenos- Ot Ngam Giam Recipe

Pickled chilies are a Vietnamese favorite and they're used to enhance
flavor and add some crunchy, sweet & sour heat to many
soups, fried noodles and other dishes. They also help to stimulate
the appetite.


10-12 fresh Jalapeno peppers
1 garlic cloves (sliced thin)
1 cup water
1 cup distilled 5% white vinegar
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
1 1/2 tsp sea salt (or more to taste)


1. Slice the jalapenos about ¼ inch thick diagonal slices. Transfer to
colander and give it a few shakes to dislodge the seeds.

2. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon sea salt on top of peppers and gently mix.
Leave alone for 30 min.

3. Shake peppers and place into a clean jar along with garlic.

4. Add vinegar, water, salt and sugar and stir until dissolved. Let cool then pour into jar to cover peppers.

5. Seal and transfer to refrigerate. Wait at least 24 hours before eating.


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