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0:00 I’ve been training myself, and others, for over 20 years and if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s this… Calisthenics work.
Weights are great and machines work too - but sometimes you just can't beat a sweat-drenched, calisthenic classic!
Hey, Damian Schelborn here with Blue Star Nutraceuticals.
I’m here today to tell you that being ripped and fit, year round, isn’t just for guys in their early 20s. It’s entirely possible to look like a pro athlete - even if you aren’t one - in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and even well into your 60s. And today I’m gonna show you how.
Calisthenics and bodyweight training have been a major staple in my routine for over 20 years, so that’s what makes today even more special. I get to take you back to my roots and show you just how effective a few foundational bodyweight movements can really be for transforming your physique.
So get ready to sweat and work hard,
This is Ripped, Fit & 40: Calisthenics Workout For Guys Over 40!
Let’s get to it!
1:34 Workout Info:
For this workout you’ll perform 4 exercises in circuit fashion.
You will perform each exercise for as many reps as possible until you reach failure and can no longer perform a rep with proper form.
This means you’ll perform one set of exercise one, then move on to exercise two, and continue until all four exercises are complete.
Once all 4 are complete, that’s the end of round one.
Your goal is to complete 4 rounds of the entire workout aiming for as many reps as possible in those 4 rounds.
If you can complete 150 total reps or less throughout the entire workout, consider yourself a novice with room to improve.
200 reps or more, you’re a well-conditioned intermediate.
250+ reps, you’re approaching the category of elite conditioned athletes
So push yourself and give this everything you’ve got.
As always, the complete workout is listed for you in the description below, now let’s get to it!
2:28 Exercise #1: Pull Ups
Jump up, grab just outside shoulder width, retract the shoulders and think pulling with your elbows, trying to tuck them into your back pockets to engage your lats. Remember to work your back, not your biceps. If you can’t do pull-ups yet, you can use some bands to assist you until you're strong enough.
2:48 Exercise #2: Push Ups
Setup in a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, feet together, body straight like a board - don’t allow your hips to sag or stick up in the air. Lower under control until your chest is just above the ground, then explosively push yourself back up to the top.
If these are too challenging for you, you can start performing these from your knees and gradually progress towards full push-ups. Just make sure to keep your body straight throughout the movement, no raising or lowering those hips.
3:20 Exercise #3: Dips
You can perform these on parallel dip bars, or off a bench, with your feet on the ground or propped up. Lower down until your arms reach about 90 degrees, full stretch at the bottom then explode up to the top. Fast explosive concentric, slow controlled eccentric.
3:39 Exercise #4: Hanging Leg Raises
Hang from a pull up bar, get a full stretch in your abs, then contract your core driving your legs up towards your chest. Squeeze with your abs at the top, then lower back down under control, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible.
And that’s a wrap!
3:58 Workout Recommendation:
Perform this workout 3 times this week and see for yourself just how effective fundamental bodyweight movement can be.
Let me know which exercise was your favorite and how many total reps you were able to complete in the comments below.
If you found yourself running out of steam part-way through this, try stacking this workout with AminoFast Stamina Series.
AminoFast™ Stamina ➞ http://bit.ly/3bkVEzL
Subscribe to this channel here ➞ https://bit.ly/BlueStarYT
Our goal at Blue Star Nutraceuticals is to help you transform your body by giving you the tools you need and the power to use them. That’s why we make these videos. So if there’s anything else we can do to help, just let us know in the comments below.
Until next time, keep training hard!
#BodyweightWorkout #Calisthenics #Over40Workout
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