Living Within Your Inheritance - Pastor David Morley - 29/08/24

Описание к видео Living Within Your Inheritance - Pastor David Morley - 29/08/24

What an insightful and anointed message Pastor David brought us this week from Colossians 1:12...
"and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light".

As born again believers, the word of God tells us that we have received an inheritance that will never spoil, never fade or perish. It's an inheritance that will last forever. Father has qualified us to receive that inheritance.

Most people's inheritance comes from a family member, and as born again believers, we are now related to Jesus Christ; He is our older brother. The value of the inheritance we receive in the natural depends on the worth of the person who's giving it. Our inheritance comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, who is totally worthy in every way.

Father entrusted ALL things to His Son Jesus, and He is able, and also willing, to share His inheritance with ALL who would call upon His name. He shares it equally among His children...100% to each of us, not just a portion. The Bible tells us that we are joint heirs with Christ. All the riches of Heaven are available to us right now.

Part of our inheritance, is that the Lord gives us His very life. We need to understand and embrace that we can exchange our lives for a better quality of life, a more powerful and Holy life in Him.

Many are living outside of our inheritance. Living in spiritual poverty, when Jesus has invested His life for us. We have to learn how to access and pick up what is rightfully ours. We have to take hold of it and appropriate it.

We have to stop wasting our inheritance by living for ourselves, and instead start living for the Lord, because that brings us in to our inheritance.

Thank You Lord!

Be blessed, be encouraged and be edified everyone!

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