1999 [60fps] Giga Wing 121414951248340pts Isha ALL

Описание к видео 1999 [60fps] Giga Wing 121414951248340pts Isha ALL

ギガウイング / Giga Wing (Japan 990223) Takumi / Capcom 1999 121,414,951,248,340pts Player rei 収録Ver MAME0.63 ISHA

Game replay site https://replayburners.blog.jp


開発元:タクミ 発売元:カプコン
システムボード:カプコン プレイシステム2(CPS2)
CPU構成[68000, Z80] 音源チップ[QSound]


天上よりもたらされたいくつもの『石』、いわゆる『メダリオン』は、人類の科学を発展させると同時に、兵器の性能をも爆発的に向上させた。終息に向かっていた世界大戦が再燃し、各国は血眼になって『石』を争奪した。中でも、あらゆる『石』の力の源と言われる『英知のメダリオン』を得た者は、人類を滅ぼす力を持つことになるとささやかれた。絶望の暗雲が世界を覆っていた。しかし今、底知れぬ闇を切り裂いて、戦場の空を舞う四人の勇士がいる! 彼らはそれぞれの思いを胸に、戦火の元凶である『石』を葬るべく起ったのだ! 戦え、人類の未来と平和のために!
[出典:ギガウイング 業務用販促チラシ(カプコン)]

Giga Wing (c) 1999 Capcom Co., Ltd.

'Medallions' are mystic stones sent from heaven, brought evolution to human technology and lead tremendous progress to the armories. To gain their powers which the 'Stones' hold for the promised victory, many nations fought over the mystic stones and reheated the world of war. Within all the 'Stones' is the 'Medallion of Wisdom', known as the power source of all mystic stones, it had enough energy to terminate humanity. The whole world was in despair. And now, four brave worriers have risen to fly straight into the combat zone! All four had different reasons, but their ultimate goal was the same : to destroy the Medallion of Wisdom! Fight to save the humanity!

Giga Wing is a shoot-em-up set during a fictional war. The player controls one of four different futuristic aircraft and must destroy enemy aircraft, tanks, ships, and buildings using both guns and missiles mounted on the aircraft and a limited supply of bombs which damage or destroy all enemies on-screen when used.


Capcom Play System II hardware (CPS II)
Game ID : CP-S II No. 30

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 11.8 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2


Giga Wing was released in February 1999. It is the first arcade video game to show scores in the trillions!

Note : There are 20 different endings! 10 of them are bad endings if you reach level 6 using more than one credit and the other 10 are good endings if you beat the game using only one credit.

Sony Music Entertainment released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (GigaWing Original Soundtrack - CPCA-1026) on April 21, 1999.


1. Giga Wing [CP-S II No. 30] (1999)
2. Giga Wing 2 (2000)
3. Giga Wing Generations (2005)


Planner : I. Satou, R. Hazuki
Character designer : K. Toume
Mechanic designers : S. Satou, Tadahiro Mukaide, Toshihiro Suzuki, Ken Taketoshi, Y. Ono
Object designers : Tadahiro Mukaide, S. Satou, Toshihiro Suzuki, I. Matsumura, Hiroki Akiyama, Ken Taketoshi
Scroll designers : M. Oose, Kazumi Yogi, Akemi Ootaka, K. Kusaka
Music composers & arrangers : Yasushi Kaminishi, Masahiro Yuge
Programmers : Y. Kobayashi, T. Nishi, Kaju Ishii, N. Hasimoto
Producers : Y. Ozaki, T. Minami
Executive producers : T. Fujimoto, Yoshiki Okamoto, Noritaka Funamizu
Coordinators : Tomoshi Sadamoto, T. Saitou
Sound advisers : Hiroaki Kondo (X68K), Tomohiro Masuda
Program support : K. Kaneko, M. Shinohara, S. Yamazaki, Cham Cho Choy


Game's rom.
Game's screenshots.


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