Foster Care: How Everyone Can Help - Jason Johnson

Описание к видео Foster Care: How Everyone Can Help - Jason Johnson

Foster parents experience unique circumstances that come with unique emotions, and sometimes it can feel as though no one can relate to their life. Strength and encouragement come from viewing foster care through the lens of the Gospel. This is the message that Jason Johnson, author of Reframing Foster Care, brings.

In this interview, he will share stories from his own foster parenting journey, such as the hard decisions and processes that he and his wife have had to go through, including the very real issues that come with relating to the birth parents of the children they are fostering. He will offer support to foster parents, as well as encouragement to those who are considering fostering. Also, he will give practical ways that we can all help, whether we feel called to be involved in foster care or not.

Get Jason's book, Reframing Foster Care:

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