When The Recall Fails. Teaching a prey driven dog to recall. Part 4

Описание к видео When The Recall Fails. Teaching a prey driven dog to recall. Part 4

"I'm not going to be a slave to the environment, I'm going to be master of it".

Video 4 in the series for teaching a dog with a history of hunting and chasing after other animals to come when called. Nothing you will see in these videos has been hidden. In this dog training video series I am telling you EXACTLY what i'm doing, why i'm doing it and what you can expect as a result. The advice and information i'm giving you here is based on my personal experience of working with hundreds and hundreds of dogs and their owners who struggle with behaviours EXACTLY like this - often far, far worse.
Unlike many dog trainers, I have nothing to prove here. I am not trying to sell you anything or promote a 'this is the only way to train a dog' message. All you will hear in this series is absolute honesty. You will see our success, and you will undoubtedly see our failures.
This series is for educational purposes and I genuinely hope you find the videos helpful!
If so, please subscribe and share with anyone you feel might benefit!

Thank you!



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