客家粗叶粄,“苎叶粄” ,是一种天然草药的客家古早茶粿(无馅料版)Ramie Leaf Dumplings

Описание к видео 客家粗叶粄,“苎叶粄” ,是一种天然草药的客家古早茶粿(无馅料版)Ramie Leaf Dumplings

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" 成为此频道的会员支持傻大姐创作:
   / @shadajie-kitchen  
粗叶粄,也称为 “苎叶粄” ,是传统客家古早茶粿,苎叶粄香气可口,软而不腻,大人小孩都爱吃的.苎叶是种天然草药,具备清热解毒,还能耐饥渴、长力气,去除皮肤的疾患,强身健骨,是老少咸宜的天然食品。

40-50片 粗叶/苎叶 (煮软)

200克 糯米粉
10克 粘米粉
50克 细砂糖
适量 粗叶汁

Ramie Leaf Dumplings(without filling version)

Thick leaf pan, also known as "ramie leaf pan", is a traditional Hakka ancient early kueh. The ramie leaf pan has a delicious aroma, soft but not greasy, and is loved by adults and children. Ramie leaf is a natural herbal medicine, which has heat-clearing and detoxifying properties. It can withstand hunger and thirst, increase strength, remove skin diseases, and strengthen the body and bones. It is a natural food suitable for all ages.

40-50 pcs thick leaves/ramie leaves (boil until soft)
200ml water
*** mashed into juice

200g glutinous rice flour
10g rice flour
50g caster sugar
2 tbsp oil


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