Berry Rebellion Tart (Full Recipe) | Kirsten Tibballs

Описание к видео Berry Rebellion Tart (Full Recipe) | Kirsten Tibballs

Today's tutorial shows you how to make your very own berry rebellion tart.
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Ingredients and instructions are below ⬇️
- Shortbread Pastry -
225g plain (all purpose) flour
125g unsalted butter
75g caster (superfine) sugar
60g or 1 egg
2 teaspoons of water
flour for dusting
uncooked rice for blind baking

Preheat the oven to 170°C. Combine the sifted flour and butter to form a crumb; you can do this either in a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, food processor or rub the butter into the flour by hand. It is important that you do not over mix at this stage and ensure that all the butter is combined without forming a paste. Combine the sugar, water and egg in a bowl, stop the mixer and add this to the crumb mixture. Mix until it just comes together as a dough.

Press the dough into a flat square, cover in plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for 1 hour. Once the dough is firm, remove from the fridge and cut in half. Roll the pastry out to 3mm thick on a surface lightly dusted with flour. Cut out discs slightly larger than the egg rings or 80mm tart rings you are using. Place the rings on a lined baking tray and line them with the pastry. Place the tarts in the fridge and repeat the process with the remaining dough. When the pastry has firmed up, trim the edges with a small sharp knife.

Crush up and unscrunch cut pieces of baking paper that are larger than the tart to soften the baking paper. Flatten one of the pieces of baking paper and press it into the tart case and fill to the top with uncooked rice, pressing the rice into the base firmly to ensure it is filling all the corners. Bake at 170°C for approximately 10 minutes in a fan forced oven. Remove the rice and paper lining and bake for a further 4-6 minutes or until a light golden brown colour. Remove the rings while the tarts are warm and allow to cool.

- Strawberry Compote -
120g fresh strawberries, diced
½ teaspoon of vanilla bean paste
30 g caster (superfine) sugar

#KirstenTibballs #Berry #Tart

Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer on a medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

Transfer to a bowl and set aside for 30 minutes to cool. Once cool, place plastic wrap on the surface and store in the fridge. The compote can be made up to 2 days in advance.

- White Chocolate Chantilly Cream -
150 ml fresh cream 35% fat (A)
15g liquid glucose
1 teaspoon of vanilla bean paste
105g good quality white chocolate
220 ml fresh cream 35% fat (B)

Boil the cream (A), glucose and vanilla in a saucepan. Pour the boiling mixture over the white chocolate in a bowl and whisk together by hand. Add in the cream (B) and whisk again. Place in the fridge for 6 hours prior to whipping. To whip, whisk it in a stand mixer or by hand to a piping consistency.

- Crunch -
20g freeze dried strawberries
13g Rice Bubbles/ Rice Krispies
62g good quality white chocolate
20g grapeseed oil

Melt the white chocolate in a plastic bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time on high until it is half melted. Stir vigorously to melt all the chocolate and add in the oil. Mix to combine then add the strawberries and rice bubbles and stir. Spoon a thin layer onto the tart shells, followed by a thin layer of compote. Place a generous spoonful of the white chocolate Chantilly cream on top and smooth into a dome shape with a knife. Freeze for 1 hour.

- Chocolate Coating -
500g good quality white chocolate
50g grapeseed oil
10g red oil soluble colour

Temper the white chocolate by melting it in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until half melted. Add in the grapeseed oil and combine. Portion out one third of the chocolate and sieve in the red colour. Stir to combine then fill a paper piping cone halfway with the chocolate.

Place the white chocolate in a smaller bowl and pipe the red chocolate in a grid pattern on top. Holding the tart shell, dip the cream coating into the chocolate and twist the tart as you remove it. Let it drip for a few seconds before turning it upwards and leave at room temperature to set. Pipe red chocolate over the grid pattern each time you dip the tart.


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