Pullerbear Pro XL321 Explained

Описание к видео Pullerbear Pro XL321 Explained

With all the calls we get to explain the difference between the Pullerbear Pro XL and the Pullerbear Pro XL321 we felt it was time to post the explanation in a video. I think this will settle the question. If you would like to see all of the Pullerbears you can go to http://pullerbear.com click the following link to purchase a Pullerbear Pro XL321 for $209.99. http://paypal.me/pullerbear/209.99usd This price includes shipping to the US. The price is the price, there are no other fees or taxes. *Update: We no longer use the snap lynch pin as shown in the video. We now use a spring steel clip that is less likely to be dislodged and we include a spare.


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