Tascam 688 Audio Demo Mix with Effects and Inserts

Описание к видео Tascam 688 Audio Demo Mix with Effects and Inserts

This is a short instrumental piece which I thought would be worth uploading to demonstrate what the Tascam 688 is capable of combined with some outboard gear. It's not intended to be a demonstration of how the machine works, but rather how the machine can sound.

I currently use Pro Tools for recoding and mixing, but thought I'd go back to basics and record some of my songs on my 688 which I've had for a number of years. I find I tend to write, play and record differently using the Tascam as there are less options and generally, I try harder to get each instrument recorded in one take. Whilst you can punch in and out with this machine, it is much more difficult than in a DAW, but still achievable especially with the great rehearsal mode.

I have two 4 channel Behringer Multicom Pro-XL compressors, with each compressor on the insert of each of the 8 tracks. There is some reverb added with a Zoom 1201 and the output of the machine is fed into a Behringer Autocom Pro-XL compressor in stereo to compress the overall mix. All old and budget gear, but it gets the job done for this purpose!

No processing was applied once recorded into Soundforge.

I used a TDK SA-X60 chrome tape with the dbx noise reduction on.

Track 1 - Drum Machine (Roland JD-Xi)
Track 2 - Sarod Drone Sample
Track 3 - Fender Jazz Bass
Track 4 - Tabla Loop Sample
Track 5 - EZ Drummer Drums
Track 6 - Synth Strings (Roland JD-Xi)
Track 7 - Electric Guitar with Ebow
Track 8 - Chant sample


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