Way Less Sad by AJR Full Band FC

Описание к видео Way Less Sad by AJR Full Band FC

I tried. I was going to wait to upload this until after I listened to the entire AJR discography, but I just cannot. I'm only their first album away from being done with them even, but to paraphrase Omni-Man, I will burn this channel down before I spend another minute listening to those animals. But unlike other bands I constantly shit-talk, I don't even see how anyone can even get mad at me for doing so, and that's not just because this band is pretty consistently reviled in the community. And, well, most everywhere.

See, the first three songs that came out for RB were during the three to four year period of promotional singles, where in return for these new singles being fifty cents cheaper, the Harmonix marketing team would flog the hell out of these acts, linking to their websites, asking people to stream their albums and seriously embellishing what each song had to offer. So my listening to the AJR oeuvre was borne from someone else saying that "it would be good" for someone to do this thing that they themselves would never ever do, because no one working for HMX would have ever listened to a full AJR album. It fell to me because no one else would do it, but also, no one can possibly get mad at me for what I have to say. I put in the hard yards where no one else would, and I'm telling you, this band is the absolute pits. Why I chose AJR over all those other promotional bands, I'm not sure. I think it was because I knew from the second Sober Up appeared as DLC that we'd be seeing them again and again, so why not get familiar? But no more.

Carl and I have been going through the Opeth discography, I recently discovered old art rock outfit the Cardiacs, and I even listened to Powerman 5000's breakout album last week. It wasn't even very good. That's a low bar to clear, but I don't want to squander my free time on one more second of AJR, even if the lack of discography completion by one mere album is a searing itch in my brain. I just can't will myself to do it, and I doubt that will change by the time their next album comes out and we get the advance or debut single from that as DLC, so by that time I will truly have nothing for the description.


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