The 7 Most Important Words in Sales and Leadership

Описание к видео The 7 Most Important Words in Sales and Leadership

Listen, I want to talk with you about the 7 most important words in sales and in leadership...

It's not about you, it's about them!

This simple phrase captures the essence of what it takes to make a real difference in the lives of the people we serve. When we make a big enough difference to others, the natural outcome is people are attracted to us, and want to be a part of what you're doing!

Here’s 3 simple ideas to put into practice these 7 words…

First, help as many people as you can get what they want, you will get what you want!”

When you focus on helping others get what they want, we often find that our own goals and desires are met along the way.

Second, go the extra mile! There are fewer people in the second mile, most people get tired out in the first mile. When you go the extra mile consistently with no expectation for reward, you’ll find you enjoy your work more and people will want to work with you. The best opportunities come to those who consistently go the extra mile.

Third, Do more than you’re paid for. When you do more than you’re paid for you’ll find in the long run you’ll earn more than you’ve worked for.

It takes discipline to get yourself to do do more than you’re paid for. In fact, discipline is getting yourself to do, what you don’t want to do when you don’t want to do it to accomplish what you do want.

When you do more than you’re paid for this Habit alone will set you up for opportunities that you wouldn’t have any other way.

You will attract people who want to work with you into your life. You will attract situations that will bless your life, and others around you. Imagine being a part of a team where everyone is going the extra mile.

Doing more than you're paid for isn't about immediate rewards; it's about building a reputation, a habit that over a lifetime, and it will open doors to countless opportunities.

When we give a little more, care a little deeper, and smile a little brighter, we're not just doing our jobs. We're enriching lives, including our own.

Remember these 7 words "'it's not about you, it's about them."

I challenge you to Go the extra mile.
Do more than you’re paid for.
Help as many people get with they want, and you will get what you want.

#extramile #domorethanpaidfor #achievesuccess


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