[有你真好] - 第01集|高清版|Wonderful You (ENG CC)

Описание к видео [有你真好] - 第01集|高清版|Wonderful You (ENG CC)

純樸的花蓮玉里鎮上,董慧慧(何依霈 飾)和爸爸(金士傑 飾)推著家當朝新家而去;因為家中唯一收入是爸爸微薄的榮民退休俸,所以只能搬到便宜的租屋。慧慧和妹妹慧蘭(蔡函岑 飾)很清楚,讀書是她們唯一能做的,努力爭取獎學金,也能補貼家用。
爸爸突然中風住院,慧蘭及弱智的媽媽(趙永馨 飾)驚慌失措,慧慧知道,這個家往後只能靠她了……

In the rustic Yu-Li town of Hua Lien, Don HH and her old father carry the simple personal belongs toward to the “ new house “. Since the only small income of whole family is from father’s retired fund of honored citizen, the cheap and simple rental house becomes the only choice of such a strain living. The sisters all know that studying and get the scholarship should be the only way to improve their life. Unexpected happenings of father’s stroke and the panic of sister and mother, Don HH she know she should be the only one to carry the duty of whole family living.



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