スクランブル / Scramble 139620pts

Описание к видео スクランブル / Scramble 139620pts

スクランブル / Scramble Konami 1981 139,620pts Player KIN 収録Ver MAMEPlus!0.150 7-2まで。

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/


開発元:コナミ 発売元:レジャック
CPU構成[Z80 (2)] 音源チップ[AY-3-8910 (2)]

この「スクランブル」は、横スクロールタイプのシューティングゲーム。 プレイヤーは、対空弾と地上弾を使い敵を破壊しながら敵の本拠地を目指す。 操作は8方向レバーで移動と、2つのボタンを対空、対地に使用する。 また、自機にはエネルギーゲージがあり、地上のタンクを破壊することで、エネルギーが補給される。 敵や地形に当たるか、エネルギー切れでミスとなる。 全6ステージで1周クリア。 以降ループするが、だんだん燃費が悪くなってくる。

Scramble (c) 1981 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

Scramble is a sideways scrolling shoot-em-up in which a single player takes control of a spaceship and must try to fight through six different enemy-packed levels - destroying as many fuel tanks and ground intallations as possible - before reaching the enemy base and destroying it.

Contact with any scenery, ground installations, enemy ships or projectyles results in an instant loss of life. The Scramble ship is armed with both a blaster and bombs. The blaster is forward-firing only while the bombs drop downwards to target ground-based enemy installations and to collect fuel from fuel dumps.

The fuel dumps are of particular importance, as the player ship's fuel gauge constantly depletes as the player progresses through the game and the only way to re-fuel is by bombing the fuel tanks that are located on the ground throughout the levels. Fuel usage increases as the game progresses, until fuel usage actually outstrips the amount of fuel dumps available and the game becomes impossible.

Scramble is rightly considered to be a classic and was the world's first ever 'multi-level' shoot-em-up.


Game ID : GX387
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 1.78975 Mhz)
Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 1.78975 Mhz), (6x) RC (@ 1.78975 Mhz)
Players : 2
Control : 4-Way Joystick
Buttons : 2
= Laser, Bomb


Scramble was released in February 1981 in Japan.


10 points per second of flying.

Missile on ground : 50 points
Missile in air : 80 points
UFO : 100 points
Fuel Tank : 150 points
Mystery Base : 100, 200, or 300 points
Main Base : 800 points


1. Scramble (1981)
2. Super Cobra (1981)


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