Democracy is a political system in which the power comes from the people. This system can be in the form of direct democracy, where referendums are decided by the population, or representative democracy, where elected officials run the government. Democracy has its origins in ancient Greece. Most elements of modern democracy developed during the Age of Enlightenment and the American and French Revolutions. Freedom of political expression and freedom of speech are essential components of democracies, so that citizens can be informed and are able to vote in their interests. Democracy is often used as a broad term that also includes equality under the law, human rights, and civil liberties.
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About Fallon S., Sociology tutor on Chegg Tutors:
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2017
Marketing, Sociology major
Subjects tutored: Environmental Science, Basic Math, Music (General), Writing, Sociology, Basic Science, College Admissions, Communications, Resume Writing, English, Social History, Political Science, Ethnic Studies, Study Skills, Entrepreneurship, Algebra, Spanish, Anthropology, Pre-Algebra, Marketing, European History, Literature, SAT, Gender Studies, World History, Economics, US History, GED, Psychology, AP, Art (General), Microsoft Suite, Communication, and Government
I have been a private tutor in a variety of subjects, from Geometry to Writing to SAT Prep, for about 6 years. I have experience teaching students of all learning styles and greatly enjoy helping students reach their full potential.
I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania. Outside of school, my two biggest interests are photography and horseback riding. I just recently transferred universities and am enjoying the transition so far. I'm double majoring in Marketing and Sociology and there isn't a subject I dislike (except maybe calculus!) so I love answering all kinds of questions.
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