廣州!最新樓價!舊樓也要三萬元一平方米?路邊大排檔!特價燒鵝38元!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!市場買菜!海珠區!洪德路!8元一斤荔枝!味道如何?Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州!最新樓價!舊樓也要三萬元一平方米?路邊大排檔!特價燒鵝38元!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!市場買菜!海珠區!洪德路!8元一斤荔枝!味道如何?Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #樓價 #GuangZhou

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/cmJ6PFtE9mCd6...
餐廳消費:特價燒鵝 ¥38,大盤蒸雙丸 ¥26.80,荷塘月色 ¥32
洪德路位於中國廣州市海珠區,南北向,長640米,寬16-30米,騎馬式馬路。 北段接濱江西路,在同福西路接人民橋,南接工業大道北。 中華民國十七年(1928年)由洪德街擴建而成,洪德街因民間傳說「洪聖布德」而命名。 內環路高架路在洪德路的大部分路段上經過。
民國十七年(1928年),廣州市政府把洪德街擴闊成馬路,初期附近並沒有大橋和高架路。 直到1967年,廣州為了解決過江橋樑不足的問題而建造人民橋,將此路打通到沙面附近。 2001年,除了同福西到濱江西路段之外,其它位置的上空架設了內環路高架道路。 2015年初,洲頭咀隧道通車,將洪德路和芳村連通。
革新路位於廣州市海珠區龍鳳街轄內。 南北走向,南起於沙渡路,北止於工業大道北。 民國初期,炸崗開路,因地處鳳凰崗而命名為鳳樂路(又稱鳳樂街)。 1966年改名為革新路,取革命創新之意。
位於海珠區的革新路或將因消防整改問題而面臨被清拆的命運。 事實上,遭遇過被清拆或被改造的廣州老牌特色商業街有很多,例如曾經首屈一指的街道狀元坊等。 對此,不少老廣感嘆,革新路如果被清拆,又要有一條可以寄託老廣集體回憶的老牌商業街要消失了。 而有專家稱,應選出能代表市民聲音的官員為市民謀利益,另外商家應提供更吸引的廣州特色服務。
Hongde Road is located in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, China. It runs from north to south, is 640 meters long and 16-30 meters wide, and is an arcade-style road. The northern section connects to Binjiang West Road, Tongfu West Road to Renmin Bridge, and the south to Industrial Avenue North. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Hongde Street was expanded and named after the folk legend "Hong Sheng Bude". The Inner Ring Road Elevated Road passes along most of Hongde Road.
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the Guangzhou Municipal Government expanded Hongde Street into a road. In the early days, there were no bridges or viaducts nearby. It was not until 1967 that Guangzhou built the People's Bridge to solve the problem of insufficient bridges across the river and opened the road to near Shamian. In 2001, except for the section from Tongfu West to Binjiang West, the Inner Ring Road Elevated Road was erected above other locations. In early 2015, the Chau Touzui Tunnel was opened to traffic, connecting Hung De Road and Fangcun.
Gexin Road is located within the jurisdiction of Longfeng Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City. It runs north-south, starting from Shadu Road in the south and ending at Industrial Avenue North in the north. In the early days of the Republic of China, the road was built by bombing the hills and was named Fengle Road (also known as Fengle Street) because it was located in Fenghuang Gang. In 1966, it was renamed Innovation Road, which means revolution and innovation.
Gexin Road in Haizhu District may face the fate of being demolished due to fire protection rectification issues. In fact, there are many old and characteristic commercial streets in Guangzhou that have been demolished or renovated, such as Zhuangyuanfang, which was once the leading street. In this regard, many old people lamented that if Xinxin Road is demolished, another old commercial street that can entrust the collective memories of old people will disappear. Some experts said that officials who can represent the voices of citizens should be elected to work for the interests of citizens, and businesses should provide more attractive Guangzhou-specific services.


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00:00 Intro
01:00 同福西路地鐵站/洪德路騎樓街/古舊街道
15:50 龍導尾/福龍東市場買菜/暴雨過後菜價如何?
20:59 工業大道北/附近美食推薦/大排檔美食
23:50 鴻運海鮮酒樓/讀餐牌時間
25:52 特價燒鵝/大盤蒸雙丸/荷塘月色
34:20 革新路最新樓價/舊樓仍三萬元一平方米
36:15 傳統涼茶鋪飲涼茶/品嚐美味荔枝
45:01 Ending
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