The Bradwell Conspiracy walkthrough Part 2 : Chapter 2 - Bradwell R&D Facility / Induction Tests

Описание к видео The Bradwell Conspiracy walkthrough Part 2 : Chapter 2 - Bradwell R&D Facility / Induction Tests

After the Museum floor collapses, you fall down and end up in a facility called Bradwell Research and Development (R&D). There's many new things introduced in this chapter. As you explore, use photo capture and Amber will explain what is going on. I will try to cover all the interesting commentary Amber does as I go through this game.

As you wake up. explore the large area called the "Atrium". When you reach the part that says "Train Station", send Amber a picture and she will say it's sealed off. After that, walk further and go inside the Transport Office (4:33). Send Amber pictures of the monitors in the back and she will come up with a plan. She will tell you to look for a room called "Induction Reception". Go back to the Atrium and explore further. When you see the staircase, head down and you will see open room. This is "Induction Reception" (8:06). Go inside and Amber will say to look for an employee ID. Go the tables and take a picture of the calendars. Amber will open up the vendor where you can get the guide glasses. Once you pick it up, the door on the side will open. This will take you to the induction area.

When you enter the Induction area, you will be shown a movie clip. You can sit down watch it. This clip will introduce you to the SMP tool. Once it's finished, go through the door on the right.

Induction Test 1 - The Key (13:42): Press the red button then take the SMP. The Narrator will explain how to use it. Use the reclaim function to get the key. Go into printing mode and place the preview icon of the key into the keyhole. When the icon is red, it means you can't print it. To print, it must be green. Once the key is placed, the door will open and the first test is done.

Induction Test 2 - Cats or Dogs (16:00): Reclaim the substance bricks and the lock with the SMP. Now do the same with Shelley and Troy. These cat and dog statues will give you blueprints for the SMP which means they can created and placed anywhere you need them as long as the print preview is green. Print the cats and dogs on the colored platforms. Once you do that, go to the next test.

Cat Lover / Dog Lover trophies (19:02): When you print the cats and dogs on the platform, put at least four Shelleys or Troys out of six and you will get one of these trophies. To get the other one, you will need to redo this chapter. You can select it from the main menu. after completing it. I put four Shelleys which would get me Cat Lover.

Induction Test 3 - Rotation Station (20:38): Collect the blueprint drive and substance brick from the table. Go to the wall with the missing pattern and print the tiles in the correct position with the SMP. You can rotate the print preview. Match the picture on the right and you're done with this test.

After Test 3, take a picture of the Bradwell symbol and D14 door. Amber will open the door for you. Go down the stairs and it will take you to the next test.

Induction Test 4 - The Floor is Lava (26:42): Reclaim the traversal blocks then print them on the edge in front of you to reach the platforms in the middle of the room. Once you cross, reclaim the blocks and use them again to go across the rest of the room. Once you're on the other side, this test is done.

Induction Test 5 - Room of History (29:24): Collect all the substance from the left and the timeline tiles. I show the text you can read on each history item. Print the timeline tiles through the object on the board in this order: 1964(TV), 1977(Computer), 1995(R&D), 2008(Foundation), 2021(Brick). Once you do that, you have finished all the tests.

When you reach last room of induction, reclaim the cat and the brick. Go up the ramp and use traversal blocks to cross the gap (37:43). Continue along the walkway until you reach the D14 door. Take a picture of it again and Amber will close it so you can get across. Do the same with the D13 door. Explore the Recruitment, Distribution, and Finance rooms along the path.

Bibliophile 1 - Lives of Flamingos (39:10): Recruitment Room desk facing window.

Bibliophile 2 - Chateau in the Night (40:19): Distribution Room desk facing door.

Bibliophile 3 - The Golf Swing (43:27): Finance Office long desk.

When you reach the map room, crawl through the vent. Place a block to get across the gap then remove the vent cover at the end. Now get across the gap in the Atrium the same way.

Bibliophile 4 - Ardour for the Marquis (47:41): Atrium bench after gap.

As you explore the rest of the Atrium, you will come across a broken staircase. Use two blocks on these stairs to reach the Security Office through the broken window (48:39).

Bibliophile 5 - Mysterious Monsieur (50:15): Security Office desk by window.

Head downstairs and go pass the checkpoint to the elevator. That's it for this part.


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