Theme Hospital | Retrospective Review | "This Is A Warning: Patients Are Here At Their Own Risk!"

Описание к видео Theme Hospital | Retrospective Review | "This Is A Warning: Patients Are Here At Their Own Risk!"

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Theme Hospital is a classic management game released in 1997, successor of Theme Park.
Slack tongue, Bloaty Head, Jellyitis, Chronic Nosehair and TV Personalities are just some of the many odd deseases we are called to cure by researching the right clinics and diagnostic machineries. It's a fun game that doesn't take itself seriously, but don't dare to consider it too childish or simple; it's indeed a profund and unforgiving experience!

0:00 introduction
1:51 Initial management steps
5:31 Serious tips: training, research, maintainence and epidemics
10:09 final thoughts and "ending"


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