HEROIC Cho'Gall (10-man) - Fire Mage with 100 Corruption PoV - HD

Описание к видео HEROIC Cho'Gall (10-man) - Fire Mage with 100 Corruption PoV - HD

This is our first kill of HEROIC: Cho'Gall (10-man) as a guild.

Guild: The Machine of Sylvanas-EU (Alliance).

Kill date: 24th of May, 2011.

PoV: Zumzar - Fire Mage with 100 Corruption.

It took us a total of 18 attempts, spanding over 3 hours to kill this boss - the first time got into Phase 2, we managed to kill it. We used 3 healers, 2 tanks and 5 dps with 1 Corrupted Mage (this PoV).

Also, I managed to get #12 on WoL overall in this PoV. I could've done more though, had I specced into Invocation (spelldmg increase on counterspell) and gotten Corrupted ealier, like I should have.

See 03:00 for epic Ice Block fail. Luckily, I hadn't reached 100 Corruption yet. I blame my IB macro. I also used Combustion on purpose at 31%, so we avoided having to kill the last Adherrent, if anybody is wondering why I didn't save it for ~25%.

Ventrilo: Yes, for the entire fight.


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