John Scofield Dissonants

Описание к видео John Scofield Dissonants I call these "Scofield Dissonants", and it's a really cool concept you can use when improvising. You can view this as a MINOR SECOND interval, but there is a whole octave between them. The correct way to name it would be a MINOR NINTH. It is one note beyond the octave - F# to F# is an octave - F# to G is a Minor Ninth.

I encourage you to learn all the music intervals - very important for understanding music. is a great free site for that.

Gear: I used a Suhr Pro C1
The amp: Suhr Badger 18
Pedal: KOi Overdrive from

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John Scofield Dissonants, by Robert Renman
#koamps #suhrguitars


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