For Beginning Amateur Astronomers: An Overview Of Mounts

Описание к видео For Beginning Amateur Astronomers: An Overview Of Mounts

This video is a discussion of telescope mounts. It is intended for inexperienced, beginning amateur astronomers.
The video discusses alt-azimuth mounts and equatorial mounts, including how they work, how they are different, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The concepts of altitude, azimuth, declination, and right ascension are briefly discussed.
Alt-azimuth mounts are recommended for visual astronomy and taking photos of the moon and planets. Equatorial mounts are recommended for astrophotography of deep sky objects, including nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and double stars.
Computerized Go-To mounts are discussed.
The reality of the potential high expense associated with deep-sky astrophotography is presented.
Beginners are encouraged to accept that becoming an amateur astronomer requires patience and practice and the need to put something into the hobby in order to reap the many benefits of the hobby.

Music is "So My Love-Instrumental Version", by Anthem of Rain:


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