RIWAY 11th Anniversary Gala Dinner Singapore & Malaysia - Singapore

Описание к видео RIWAY 11th Anniversary Gala Dinner Singapore & Malaysia - Singapore

回顾:“11情怀周年欢庆晚宴”- 新加坡&马来西亚

千里之行,始于足下。 每一次的纪念日,记载着RIWAY一天天成长壮大的故事。我们坚信一切的开始都会有开花结果的一天,愿所有的RIWAY人都成为RIWAY伟大故事的其中一员。

Recap: RIWAY’s Singapore & Malaysia 11th Anniversary Gala Dinner

A thousand miles begin with a single step. Each anniversary records the story of RIWAY’s growing day by day. We truly believe that the beginning of everything will have a fruitful day, we hope that every RIWAY person will be one of our family member in RIWAY’s great story.


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