RIWAY International 12th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Описание к видео RIWAY International 12th Anniversary Gala Dinner

RIWAY 国际年度重头活动 —— RIWAY 周年欢庆晚宴的举办,让一众领导人意犹未尽,难得汇集大家相聚的时光,格外让人觉得珍惜,它们都将是人生独一无二的回忆! 不如先让我们细细品尝,仔细回味刚刚过去的那个夜晚吧!

RIWAY International’s annual highlight event of the year – RIWAY’s Anniversary Gala Dinner that was held recently left many of our leaders wanting more. It was a rare time to gather everyone together, which was especially cherished and will become a unique memory for life! Let us review and take a look again at the night that has just passed!


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