Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped "Alpha Demonstration" prototype

Описание к видео Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped "Alpha Demonstration" prototype

I waited so many years for this, more than 10.
Differences i was able to notice:
-Warp room.
-Slighty different object placement.
-Harder AI of the lab assistants of the bike levels.
-Music sounds different.
-No music implemented yet on the bonus and death routes, so the bonus keep playing the normal level music.
-If you die on a death route you won't be able to come back to it.
-On the level High Time during the transition between the normal level and the death route the camra doesn't cut off, it goes directly.
-The green flying insects o the tomb levels have a different texture on their backs.
-Many levels use early or placeholder names.
-A lab assistant rides the triceratops on the prehistoric levels, just like in a concept art.
-No Cortex on the Tiny fight.
-The bosses lack any sound effect.
-Colored gems are swapped with each other.
-The purple gem path on Tomb Time is open, but when you get near it will close, probably you need the purple gem.
-Tiny and Dingodile's intros lack sound.
The power-ups don't have descriptions.
-The missiles on the N. Tropy fight are harder to dodge, they basically track you for a longer time making the fight much harder.
-Some levels have slighty different geometry.
-The music used on the warp room and some levels is the same used on the intro of the demo hidden on Spyro 1.
-The camera on the second warp room is different, showing an upper view.
-The level warp sphere graphics on some levels aren't present so they use the tomblevels graphics instead.
- Other level warp sphere graphics (like High Time, Crash Kabob, Road Crash and Orange Asphault) don't show their actual time of the day, they instead use the graphic corresponding to the first level of its type
-Time crates substract time.
-Sometimes polygons don't get drawn on some places.
-Even if you get at least 5 relics the secret warp room don't appear.
-The relics have different colors.
-When you leave a level with or without a crystal or gem the music won't play until you can move.
-There is a small slowdown when walking to the center of the warp room after defeating a boss.
-N-Gin and Neo Cortex aren't present.
-Going Tomorrow and Bug Lite lack crystals.
-You cant access the 6th warp room and secret levels without a hacking device.
-The magicans' spells on the medieval levels are harder to dodge, probably they have a bigger hitbox.
-The "STARTING TIME TRIAL" text don't appear.
-No sound on the enter name section.
-Most of the levels in time trial mode don't have time crates so run through the level as fast as possible.
-Many stopwatches are on different locations.
-On the pause menu during time trial mode instead of saying "REASTART TRIAL" it says "RESTART LEVEL".
-The save/file menus look exactly like Crash 2, even it uses the same icons.


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