Locating Locrian

Описание к видео Locating Locrian

Hey everyone! Here's the next episode of Scales & Tales with Locating Locrian. We've reached the seventh mode derived from the major scale in this special series I've added to the Scales & Tales batch of lessons recently - so let's dive in!

The Locrian mode is notoriously known as a dark, dissonant, and moody scale tonality found in music, and while its usage isn't as widespread and common compared to the other modes we've looked at in this series, it does find its way into plenty of jazz, metal, progressive rock, fusion, and even classical music - even though it's usually an implied Locrian sound or chord progression hinting at its distinct flavor, as it's rarely used for an entire song.

This episode begins with a brief opening jam and introduction, followed by diving head-first into the exotic and twisted scale tonality. We're unlocking the parent scale for Locrian, locating a number of Locrian-approved chords that bring out the sound of this scale (m7b5 chords), noticing a few riffs/songs to help you understand how you could approach using this scale in some of your music, the Locrian "Super Shape" fretboard shifting idea, a slick Hirajoshi-based Locrian shifting idea, a few classic Locrian-based song recommendations, and much more!

Needless to say, if you've been following this series of modal-themed lessons, are interested in learning more about this commonly-misunderstood scale, or are just curious about what all of the fuss is about - this episode is totally for you! Give this episode a view, leave some comments/feedback, and please subscribe to Late Night Lessons - THANK YOU!

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