CCS in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Описание к видео CCS in the Pulp and Paper Industry

The retrofit of CCS in a Nordic Kraft pulp mill and integrated pulp and board mill has been assessed. The pulp and paper industry is an energy-intensive industry, with significant amounts of CO2 emissions. The majority of the CO2 emissions are of biomass origin, and are thus considered neutral in the EU ETS. Capturing and permanently storing biogenic CO2 emissions from the pulp and paper industry could make the industry a possible carbon sink.

The assessment evaluates in detail the integration of a post-combustion CO2 capture plant to the recovery boiler, the multi-fuel boiler and the lime kiln. A major consideration when retrofitting energy-intensive CCS in the pulp and paper industry is the integration to the steam turbine island and the resulting effects on the mill energy balance, for instance in terms of reduced electricity export to the grid. The retrofit of CCS in the pulp and paper industry was assessed for various policy scenarios as well, including a possible future option where negative emissions would be accredited for in the EU ETS.


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