O Aminah: English Qawwali No.11

Описание к видео O Aminah: English Qawwali No.11

On the occasion of the blessed birth of the Prophet ﷺ please accept this gift, in praise of Sayyida Aminah (a):


O Aminah
Mother so dear
About your babe
We long to hear

Won’t you speak of
That perfect day
When he did bless
Our world of clay

She said: What joy
Praise be to God
Who chose me to
Serve him, thank God

Ever to be
Known for this task
In this honour
Ever to bask

O Aminah
Hearts are aflame
Yearning to hear
You sing his name

What was it like
To see his face
To drown in the
Scent of his grace

She said: You fool
To think words could
That light of light
Describe it good

I was entranced
By that first gaze
Don’t ask from where
Sprung forth those rays

O Aminah
How is it fair
That we never
Breathed the same air

Granted that we
Share not your fame
But God witness
Same love we claim

Section B

She said: I swear
The break of morn
Is but a glow
By his smile born

That blazing sun
The stars so bright
And splendid moon
Beg of his light

Crimson blossom
Gardens that bloom
Every colour
That lifts the gloom

Each love song and
Beauty flowing
Before his charm
All are bowing

Every matter
That God has made
By him enthralled
Before him fade

The sweetest scent
That longed-for sight
A whiff of which
Sheerest delight

Section C

O Aminah
Why did you leave
Suddenly so
No one could grieve

Buried alone
In desert deep
We pray that you
In peace do keep

She said: by God
The dead would wake
If they were near
They would but shake

The light of him
Enveloped me
No one can dare
Stand next to me!

Section D

Souls were drunken
In his pure light
All were sunken

Then came the call
That made them quake:
Aren’t I Your Lord
This oath now take!

And so, please Lord
Send all Your peace
Endless blessings
Never to cease

Upon ‘Aqib
TaHa, Ahmad
Māhi, Hāshir
Pure Muhammad

Lyrics: Mudassir Hussain (11th Rabi’ 1445, 26.09.23)
Vocalists: Abdul Shakoor, Abdul Qadoos, Eisa Qayyum, Shehzad Hanif
Music Producer: TJ Rehmi, Moodlab Studio
Footage from Abwa Sharif: Owais Muhiyudeen


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