Using WyzeCam in Home Assistant (with RTSP firmware)

Описание к видео Using WyzeCam in Home Assistant (with RTSP firmware)

Just checked this one out from my list (long overdue). I was quite happy with my outside cameras - I have done quite a few. But I was not really happy with my interior cameras set-up. I did not like how they look, the picture quality was not great. And I also wanted them to automatically turn off when we are home, and turn them back on when we leave. I did not really feel comfortable with them "spying" on us 😊.

I liked the Wyze cams, but there were a few issues - they did not work with Home Assistant. And they did not see in Europe.

But that's fixed now! I bought a few on Amazon (paid probably 2x the money due to shipping, import duty, and tax), loaded the custom RTSP firmware, and installed Wyze Integration to control the cams. It works great! So I am sharing the whole thing (as I always do), so you can follow. Enjoy!

00:00 - intro
01:37 - download firmware
03:22 - upgrade firmware
05:06 - configure RTSP
08:25 - add to Home Assistant
10:31 - Turning the camera off when we are home
12:10 - outro

Wyze RTSP firmware:


Информация по комментариям в разработке