Synthstorm - In Peace Reborn

Описание к видео Synthstorm - In Peace Reborn

An EP soon to follow.

Vocals: D
Guitars - Bass: D2
Drums: D3
Writing-Lyrics Arrangements: V
Mixing - Mastering: V
Software: Studio One 4 Pro


In lands afar, where shadows reign,
Metal hearts and neon veins.
Borders redrawn in silent screams,
A digital board for ancient schemes.

Synth beats march across the divide,
Where echoes of serenity once resided.
Each step charged, a voltage play,
Under the stars, where dreams may stray.

From the thunder of guns, to the whisper of peace,
The battle surges, pulse by pulse.
A tempest of wills in digital form,
Seeking a haven from the storm.

In the heart of the maelstrom, we stand,
Electrons and emotions, hand in hand.
War paints the heavens with cries so forlorn,
While peace, in soft whispers, is reborn.

Through the static, a clearer sight,
Of a world unscarred by endless night.
Where digital and human merge and blend,
And foes can turn at last to friends.

Under the glow of the quiet stars,
Banners lower, healing scars.
A promise etched on sacred ground,
Where peace, once lost, is finally found.


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